Sunday, August 19, 2012

Almost to Honduras!

It has been a long 42 hours! Two more hours to go until Josh and I reach Honduras!

Margie and I boarded our plan in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 42 hours ago! We were able to get some rest on both legs of our journey back to LA and even had some fun running around the airport in London!

It was great to hop off the plane at LAX and see my hubby! Brad would arrive 6 hours after we did and Margie was looking forward to seeing her man too! Margie passed the baton (Aka me) to Josh and we started our adventure!

We were able to be hosted by Audra's dad-doing laundry, re-packing my bags for the weather changes, see my family for dinner and even take a little nap before we returned to the ever so amiliar airport!

I'm pretty tried and Josh is too! Just keep praying for us as we start to serve in Honduras today, catch up with our dear CCC staff, and adjust to another time zone! Pray for Margie as she adjusts to being back and starts to share about our incredible trip! I know how hard it will be for her to translate all that God has done! May God give her grace as she does!

Hope to update you all on the past few days as we missed you without Internet!

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